Be the Voice of Hope this Christmas

Christmas is the most common time of the year for unplanned pregnancy.* A woman becoming unexpectedly pregnant needs love, courage and hope. Most of all, she needs to see that others have gone before her and she’s not alone.

That’s why this year, we’re sharing Laura’s story. When teenage Laura discovered she was pregnant, she faced pressured to end her pregnancy but chose life instead. 

Will you help us share Laura’s story with as many women in need as possible this holiday season? 

*Australian Bureau of Statistics

What your donation will do...

$50: Reaches 3,000 women on social media with Laura’s story
$100: Reaches 6,000 women on social media with Laura’s story
$500: Reaches 30,000 women on social media with Laura’s story

Watch Laura's message to Mums

Below you’ll find Laura’s special Christmas message which we’ll be sharing with women across the country during the month of December.


Although Laura didn’t face an unplanned pregnancy herself, she did walk through pregnancy at a different time to most women – at just 17 years old. She knows what it’s like to face uncertainty and worry for the future. Her heart is to walk alongside women experiencing pregnancy in challenging circumstances.

Help us share Laura’s message of hope with women who are making decisions around pregnancy this December.  Simply click the button below to give. 

'I'm sharing my story this Christmas because I want to give hope to other women like me' - Laura